What is NAD+ and how can it help your health?

green leaf

NAD+ is a coenzyme that helps to convert the food you eat into energy. It also helps with DNA repair and gene expression. NAD+ levels decrease as you age, but there are things you can do to boost your levels naturally.

What is NAD+?

NAD+ is a compound that’s essential for energy production, DNA repair, and other cellular processes. It’s also short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is a mouthful to pronounce but important to understand. NAD+ is found in every cell in your body and plays many different roles in the body:

  • For example, it helps you maintain healthy liver cells by protecting them from damage caused by alcohol abuse or toxic chemicals.
  • It may also protect against oxidative stress (a process where free radicals attack other molecules) by boosting your immune system’s ability to fight off infections and diseases like cancer or heart disease.

What does NAD+ do for your body?

NAD+ is a coenzyme that helps transfer electrons in the cells. It also helps regulate metabolism and cellular energy production, and it’s found in all living cells.

As we get older, our bodies naturally produce less NAD+. This can have a negative impact on our health due to the role NAD+ plays in regulating metabolism as well as other crucial functions throughout the body. In fact, one of the main ways that aging affects us is by decreasing levels of NAD+, which has been linked to weak muscles and poor memory along with other symptoms associated with aging (1). Fortunately, you can boost your levels by taking supplements like Nicotinamide Riboside which are designed specifically for this purpose.

How can you boost your NAD+ levels?

Boost your levels by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and getting a good night’s sleep. You can also take supplements or get an IV infusion of NAD+.

Higher levels of NAD+ in your system can help you stay healthier and more energetic.

NAD+ is a coenzyme that is essential for energy production. It’s found in every cell in your body, and levels decline with age. But if you want to keep your body functioning at peak performance, boosting NAD+ levels may help. NAD+ can be boosted by taking supplements (available over the counter or online), eating foods rich in vitamin B3 (niacin), getting regular exercise and practicing yoga.


NAD+ is a powerful molecule that has the potential to have a huge impact on your health and wellbeing. The most important role it plays is as an essential coenzyme in energy production.

