The Amazing Benefits of IV Therapy That You Didn’t Know

IV Therapy in Lutz

The use of IV or ‘intravenous’ treatments in the medical industry has existed as far back as the early 1900s. Back then, IV injections were only administered when patients desperately needed them. Today, IV therapy has broadened the scope of intravenous technology beyond the hospital emergency room. This article will delve into modern intravenous therapy, and the many ways it enriches people’s quality lives. 

What is IV Therapy? 

IV therapy or ‘Intravenous Therapy’ is a new form of physical therapy where beneficial nutrients and vitamins are delivered directly into a person’s bloodstream via an IV injection, for immediate effect. 

Benefits of IV Therapy 

To the uninformed, IV therapy might seem a little extreme. You might be wondering ‘why not just receive vitamin supplements through pills?’ Good question, here are a few benefits of IV therapy.

Weight Loss 

Losing weight isn’t easy. Most people who lose excessive weight end up putting a lot of it back on within a year. IV therapy has proven to be one of the most effective ways of achieving long-term weight loss. 

Carnitine is an amino acid that processes your body fat and turns it into fuel. Most people get the necessary amount of carnitine their body needs to process body fat from the food they eat. However, sometimes, your body can struggle to produce carnitine, which is especially the case for vegans and people with medical conditions that may hinder their body’s natural ability to absorb nutrients.

The cells in your body contain an organic compound known as alpha-lipoic acid. This powerful antioxidant helps boost your metabolism and cleans the toxins in your body. Your body processes alpha-lipoic acid slowly, but IV therapy can help speed up the process to boost your metabolism, and make you lose weight faster.


If you drink alcohol regularly enough, you’ve probably experienced a terrible hangover before. Hangovers are usually mildly irritating, but severe hangovers can have serious ramifications for your physical well-being. That’s why it’s so important to know the common symptoms of a hangover. 

The morning after a night of heavy drinking, check for symptoms such as nausea, dehydration, headaches, and difficulty thinking clearly. If allowed to persist, hangovers can impair your judgment and even negatively affect your mental health. 

IV therapy is the fastest way to rehydrate your body and replenish electrolytes after a night of heavy drinking. However, we always recommend that you practice caution when consuming alcohol, so that you don’t have to use IV therapy to treat a terrible hangover in the first place. 

Nutrient Deficiencies 

If you’re too sick or physically incapable of eating, a hospital may administer IV therapy to help you consume the necessary nutrients your body needs to survive. Several medical conditions make it difficult to get the nutrients your body requires; celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease, and colon cancer, to name a few. One of the benefitsof IV therapy allows nutrients tobypass the digestive system and enter your cells immediately.

Cleanse Toxins 

Harmful toxins that collect within your body can cause several ailments, including damaging the cells in your body and even causing your body to age faster. Your body naturally produces antioxidants that help to cleanse your body of these toxins. However, if for some reason, your body is no longer producing enough antioxidants on its own, IV therapy can help you cleanse harmful toxins from your body.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps boost your immune system, strengthening your resistance to infection and harmful bacteria that can cause diseases. Glutathione is an antioxidant that can prevent liver infections and protect the cells of your liver from being damaged. 

We previously mentioned how Alpha-Lipoic Acid can improve weight loss, but did you know it can also help your body cleanse toxins to regenerate healthy cells? One of the many benefits of IV therapy is that you can intake all these antioxidants at the same time. 

Blood Circulation 

IV therapy can improve the overall function of your cardiovascular system. Amino acids, such as arginine and tri-amino, work to ease tension in your blood vessels, thus, lowering blood pressure. Calcium levels determine how your blood vessels dilate and contract, and magnesium helps regulate your blood pressure. IV therapy for blood circulation can even treat erectile dysfunction in men. 

Energy Levels 

Your body needs vitamins to produce the energy you need to function on a day-to-day basis and stay healthy. Do you find yourself relying on energy drinks and caffeine? Likely, your body is simply experiencing a vitamin deficiency. As long as you continue to rely on such artificial substances, you’re filling your body with unnecessary amounts of sugar and other chemicals. 

Amino acids are capable of creating energy by transforming the fatty acids present in our bodies. Without these amino acids, we don’t just gain weight, but also tend to have low energy throughout the day. Amino acids help us push our bodies during intense workouts and even contribute to building muscle mass, this is one of the greatest benefits of IV therapy for people looking to build muscle mass.

More To Learn 

Even now, modern science continues to discover new benefits of IV therapy. Some experts say we have only just begun to scratch the surface of what IV therapy is capable of. From weight loss to energy gain, IV therapy already has so many benefits, it’s hard to say what science will discover next. 

Is IV Therapy For You? 

Have you used IV therapy before? If so, what was your experience like? Was it beneficial for you? Is it something you’d like to try again? If you’ve never experienced IV therapy before, did this article pique your interest? Do you suffer from any of the ailments discussed here? 

If so, IV therapy certainly could help treat them. Before you decide to receive IV Therapy, consider consulting a licensed medical professional so that you can better understand all your options and receive the IV therapy that is right for you. 

