Sermorelin Therapy and its Benefits


At around 30, human growth hormone production starts declining for both men and women.
Sermorelin therapy intends to replace this lost HGH with a compound called Sermorelin acetate.
Sermorelin is not HGH. It is a growth hormone secretagogues (GSHs) class of molecules that
stimulates the secretion of GH from the pituitary gland. Sermorelin therapy is a gradual antiaging therapy that can take a few months before the effects become noticeable. However, many
patients experience positive health effects within just days or weeks of starting the therapy. Even
if you have a slight HGH deficiency, you will likely begin noticing positive health effects soon
after starting the treatment.

Sermorelin therapy is a safe and effective treatment of Human Growth Hormone Deficiency
(HGHD). When HGH levels start to decline, your body will experience several aging symptoms
that can affect energy level, libido, muscle mass, skin tone, metabolism, and more. Sermorelin
therapy works by replacing these missing hormones naturally and safely.
While results may vary from patient to patient, clinical studies have shown that Sermorelin
treatment can lead to a range of physical and mental benefits, such as:

• Increased lean body mass
• Fat reduction
• Improved energy
• Increased vitality
• Increased strength
• Increased endurance
• Accelerated wound healing
• Improved cardiovascular and immune function
• Better sleep quality
• Improved bone density
• Improved skin quality and higher collagen density

Sermorelin will help improve your exercise performance by improving your ability to recover
from strenuous workouts so that you can get back to working out sooner and doing more
strenuous workouts. It has also been shown to help you put on muscle faster than before, which
is also beneficial for exercise performance.

Sermorelin is an effective treatment for the wasting that occurs in the elderly. It has been shown
to increase the production of HGH, which improves muscle strength and helps burn adipose
tissue. Patients who exercise while taking Sermorelin to see a much faster gain in muscle mass
than they would without the therapy. The changes in body composition occur more gradually
without exercise, and with regular exercise, they can be dramatic and occur within a matter of

Sermorelin can improve the health of the cardiovascular system and help to protect against
cardiovascular diseases by restoring normal HGH levels. For example, supplementation with
HGH has proven to be effective at improving symptoms for patients who are suffering from
congestive heart failure. Many patients who develop heart disease and other heart disorders also
suffer from a decline in HGH production which can be corrected with Sermorelin therapy.
Another significant health benefit of the treatment is that bone density can increase back to
youthful levels, which is very important for preventing debilitating injuries as a person ages
along with bone and joint disorders.

Sermorelin can help improve your mood, libido, and energy levels by restoring HGH levels.
HGH is often associated with a decline in all three areas because lower hormone levels can be
associated with decreased energy levels. Restoring normal human growth hormone levels
through sermorelin has been shown to provide a boost in energy, improve mood, restore libido,
and provide an overall general feeling of well-being for patients.

Sermorelin is best taken for several months consecutively. You may see some of the quicker
results mentioned above within a few weeks, but to see accurate results with the therapy, you
need to continue it for at least three to six months. There is no reason why you can’t take
Sermorelin for up to twelve months or even longer because it is a safe treatment, and there is no
an indication that there are any long-term adverse health effects from it.

Speak To Your Healthcare Provider

Doctors specializing in bio-identical hormone therapy can prescribe FDA-approved Sermorelin
to adults suffering from symptoms of growth hormone deficiency. The IV Harmony Clinic &
Medical Wellness program includes physician-directed individual evaluations, the use of
hormones, and the close monitoring of blood levels to restore youth and minimize the symptoms
associated with andropause and aging. If you are interested in Sermorelin, please discuss this
with one of our medical providers.

